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All or Nothing ProLife Votes In the News

All or Nothing ProLife Votes

NHRTL PAC doesn't score candidates or legislators on a gradient. They are either 100% or not. The following House Members voted according to the NHRTL PAC Position on bills this last term 100%. They deserve your support. "Our endorsement process was not fully implemented this year and for that, I apologize," Darlene Pawlik, volunteer for the PAC. Please offer your…
September 7, 2016
Happy Birthday! In the NewsPress Releases

Happy Birthday!

A couple of weeks ago the Delegates to the New Hampshire Republican Convention voted in an amendment that surprised some people. - Walt Stapleton's excellent amendment to strengthen the Family PASSED, including, - Improving the first sentence about life by adding "pre-born" (instead of "unborn"), and adding "personhood" for the first time, in the underlined words, "Support the pre-born child's…
September 30, 2014
Buffer Zone Not Enforced In the News

Buffer Zone Not Enforced

By Elizabeth Dinan  Article taken from Seacoast Online [email protected] July 15, 2014 2:00 AM GREENLAND — Portsmouth attorney Peter Loughlin has been retained to represent the town in a federal case involving protest-free buffer zones at abortion clinics. A state law creating the buffer zones became effective Thursday, but the Attorney General's office announced it won't enforce the law until a federal…
July 15, 2014
Loving Life in the Park In the News

Loving Life in the Park

Some ProLife Candidates will join forces with Savethe1 President, Rebecca Kiessling, and Vice President, Darlene Pawlik, to talk about how NH citizens can protect the Right to Life on Thursday, July 31st 2014.  Among them will be Gubernatorial candidate, Andrew Hemingway and Senator Bob Smith, Honorable Representatives, Senators and candidates from all over the state. The people of New Hampshire have a…
July 8, 2014
Buffer Zone Reactions from NH In the News

Buffer Zone Reactions from NH

Guest Blogger: Ellen Kolb, author and principal of Buffer zone reaction from some NH Gov & Senate candidates Now that the Supreme Court has declared in McCullen v. Coakley that the Massachusetts buffer zone around abortion facilities is unconstitutional, where do New Hampshire’s candidates stand? Here’s a roundup of what gubernatorial and Senate hopefuls are saying on their web sites and…
July 3, 2014
Last Day to File In the News

Last Day to File

Today, Friday the 13th of June, is the last day to get your name on the ballot for office in the State of NH. On this rainy day, I remember when I was a very small child and I wondered if the sky was crying. I would think about what could be so bad that the earth would cry. Now that…
June 13, 2014
Integrity, Whaaht? In the News

Integrity, Whaaht?

Integrity, means that you don't fall apart when someone pokes, provokes or prods you in an attempt to change or at least modify your position on an issue. Actually, position is never a safe place to be on any issue. Just imagine with me for a moment: You must balance, standing on a yoga ball. That is what it…
May 22, 2014
Dear Candidate for NH Office In the News

Dear Candidate for NH Office

Dear Political Candidate, My name is Darlene. We have not met. I've been told that you are not pro-life. You are listed as a Republican on the Republican ballot here in NH. Pro-life is a modern term that usually means anti-abortion to most people. It means a great deal more than that to me. I would venture to say that…
May 21, 2014