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Added Endorsed Candidates 2014 Endorsements

Added Endorsed Candidates

NH Right To Life Political Action Committee’s New Endorsement Policy! “New Hampshire Right to Life PAC will only endorse 100% ProLife, No Compromise candidates for public office” newly appointed chair, Darlene Pawlik, states, “There are many people who consider themselves ProLife, but hold that imposed death is acceptable in some circumstances or for certain categories of people.” Voters need to…
August 5, 2014
Pro-life vs pro-choice candidates: How can we tell? Opinion

Pro-life vs pro-choice candidates: How can we tell?

Guest Post by Kurt Wuelper, President of New Hampshire Right to Life Committee and candidate for State Representative. In recent years, polling shows that a majority of Americans consider themselves ‘Pro-Life’. How can we tell if a candidate is pro-life vs pro-choice? The question is, “What does it mean to be Pro-Life”? Can one support abortion and still be pro-life? What…
August 3, 2014
GOP: Status Quo? Or Return to Principled Leadership? Opinion

GOP: Status Quo? Or Return to Principled Leadership?

Guest Blog Post by Charlotte Antal, Trustee of NH Right to Life, mother of two and conservative voter. In public service, independent thinking is not a bad thing when you are advocating for something objectively true...or when your party is doing something wrong (God knows the left needs more independent thinkers on right to life issues these days).  But Scott…
July 30, 2014
Endorsed Candidates 2014 Endorsements

Endorsed Candidates

2014 Endorsements will be posted beginning August 5th. NHRTL PAC is using a process new to us.  Providing for a personhood approach in selecting candidates worthy of our support.  This means that candidates seeking to be endorsed by NHRTL PAC will receive a policy manual that briefly explains the various issues that affect the Right to Life for NH Citizens.…
July 22, 2014
Buffer Zone Not Enforced In the News

Buffer Zone Not Enforced

By Elizabeth Dinan  Article taken from Seacoast Online [email protected] July 15, 2014 2:00 AM GREENLAND — Portsmouth attorney Peter Loughlin has been retained to represent the town in a federal case involving protest-free buffer zones at abortion clinics. A state law creating the buffer zones became effective Thursday, but the Attorney General's office announced it won't enforce the law until a federal…
July 15, 2014
Loving Life in the Park In the News

Loving Life in the Park

Some ProLife Candidates will join forces with Savethe1 President, Rebecca Kiessling, and Vice President, Darlene Pawlik, to talk about how NH citizens can protect the Right to Life on Thursday, July 31st 2014.  Among them will be Gubernatorial candidate, Andrew Hemingway and Senator Bob Smith, Honorable Representatives, Senators and candidates from all over the state. The people of New Hampshire have a…
July 8, 2014
Buffer Zone Reactions from NH In the News

Buffer Zone Reactions from NH

Guest Blogger: Ellen Kolb, author and principal of Buffer zone reaction from some NH Gov & Senate candidates Now that the Supreme Court has declared in McCullen v. Coakley that the Massachusetts buffer zone around abortion facilities is unconstitutional, where do New Hampshire’s candidates stand? Here’s a roundup of what gubernatorial and Senate hopefuls are saying on their web sites and…
July 3, 2014
SCOTUS Ruled No Buffer Zone Press Releases

SCOTUS Ruled No Buffer Zone

"This is some of the best news coming out of the Supreme Court for a very long time" stated Darlene Pawlik, NH Right to Life Political Action Chair. Finally a sound Constitutional decision from SCOTUS.  It was unanimous, to boot.  The NH Legislature should be alert on this one.  We the People are watching and the election is less than…
June 26, 2014
NH Statistics Bill Study Begins Press Releases

NH Statistics Bill Study Begins

~Guest Post~ Ellen Kolb is the author of, a ProLife blog for the Granite State.  She has graciously agreed to share her experience at the State House the first week of June. True to the word of several legislators who spoke up earlier this year – and I have to admit I doubted them – the abortion statistics bill, HB…
June 18, 2014
Last Day to File In the News

Last Day to File

Today, Friday the 13th of June, is the last day to get your name on the ballot for office in the State of NH. On this rainy day, I remember when I was a very small child and I wondered if the sky was crying. I would think about what could be so bad that the earth would cry. Now that…
June 13, 2014