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NH Right To Life PAC Blasts Steve Marchand Proposal Calling for Taxpayer-Funded
 Abortions, and Calls on Sununu and Kelly to Oppose Use of Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Press Releases

NH Right To Life PAC Blasts Steve Marchand Proposal Calling for Taxpayer-Funded
 Abortions, and Calls on Sununu and Kelly to Oppose Use of Taxpayer Funding of Abortion

Contact: David G. Umbaugh, New Hampshire Right to Life PAC Chairman; (330) 283-1914 Date: August 2, 2018 
Concord, NH – The New Hampshire Right to Life Political Action Committee today blasted a proposal by gubernatorial candidate Steve Marchand to expand New Hampshire abortions by insisting that taxpayer dollars be used to provide these procedures. The Hyde Amendment is the federal…
August 3, 2018
2017 Legislative Bills Action Alerts

2017 Legislative Bills

Bill Number Subject Our Stance HB 471 Relative to induced termination of pregnancy statistics Support HB 156 Including a viable fetus in the definition of "another" for purposes of certain criminal offenses Support HB 351 Making a person who knowingly causes the death of a child guilty of capital murder. Against HB 578 Relative to banning abortion after viability Support…
January 24, 2017
All or Nothing ProLife Votes In the News

All or Nothing ProLife Votes

NHRTL PAC doesn't score candidates or legislators on a gradient. They are either 100% or not. The following House Members voted according to the NHRTL PAC Position on bills this last term 100%. They deserve your support. "Our endorsement process was not fully implemented this year and for that, I apologize," Darlene Pawlik, volunteer for the PAC. Please offer your…
September 7, 2016
Endorsed Candidates 2016 2016 EndorsementsPress Releases

Endorsed Candidates 2016

Photo by Phyllis Woods NHRTL PAC has a strict endorsement process. Our Purpose is to promote Pro-life candidates. Our hope is that those elected to office will protect the right to life for everyone as the paramount issue. We send surveys to all registered candidates. They have an opportunity to receive our baseline Policy Manual. The manual addresses issues that legislators…
September 5, 2016
NHRTL endorses Edleblut for Governor 2016 EndorsementsPress Releases

NHRTL endorses Edleblut for Governor

NHRTL Endorses Frank Edelblut The New Hampshire Right To Life Political Action Committee endorses Rep. Frank Edelblut for Governor of the state of New Hampshire in the 2016 NH GOP primary. During his tenure as representing New Hampshire's thirty-eighth Hillsborough State House district, Frank Edelblut has maintained a perfect Pro-Life voting record and been a steadfast advocate of the pro-life…
Kurt Wuelper
August 2, 2016
NH Right To Life PAC Calls for GOP Committeeman Removal Press Releases

NH Right To Life PAC Calls for GOP Committeeman Removal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 5, 2015 Concord, NH From time to time deliberative bodies are forced to take a stand against officials or members whose actions run counter to the group’s acceptable standards for individual behaviors. NHRTL believes that this is one of those times. In light of recent events, we believe Steve Duprey must be removed from his position…
May 5, 2015
Tragic Trigger Opinion

Tragic Trigger

I am on social media daily.  This past week was a difficult week. Friends were posting about the couple that beat their precious three year old son to death over a period of three days because he refused his breakfast.  The pictures recovered from the home, depicting holes in the wall where his head struck having been punched while hung…
November 10, 2014
What Is At Stake Opinion

What Is At Stake

Votes matter, but they are slow and often deceptive.   A person may convince us that they are in line with our core principles, only to cave when there is social pressure.   The politics of access is a dangerous thing.  Aligning with a person or group because they are in a position of power is never a good place…
November 2, 2014